Contact Us for a Client-centric Consultation 614-236-8000

Case & Transactional Results & Power Law Network

At Zacks Law we believe that results matter.

We also know that results are often opinions when complex problems exist because results are tradeoffs.

We also know that results cannot be guaranteed because human behavior from people in transactions and litigation have too many uncontrollable variables that are far afield from what may be experienced in media or shortened processes of actual life conflicts and decisions. 

We also recognize that a solution for one person is not the ideal solution for another person.

The law is a living breathing set of rules and regulations that impact every aspect of our lives. Yet we accept much of it as the cost of living in a dynamic society without focusing on the reality that nearly everything we do has legal impacts. 

In every lawsuit, the decisions become the "law of the case" until a final non-appealable order is declared.  Because the law is in statutes, rules, and regulations, interpretations of all of these until ruled on by a tribunal even transactions are subject to the "laws" and the cases that have applied the "laws".  Nothing is final until all avenues that can be cost effectively pursued are reached and yet certain outcomes happen, and those results can change how the legal and non-legal expectations are realized. 

In every transaction, the analysis of how the legal decisions may be shaped by the parties interpretation of the law, are part of the negotiation.  Nothing happens until all roads to a meeting of the mind are written down or acted upon so the terms of the transactional elements are acted upon by the execution of the conduct required by the transaction for some form a bargain. The expected outcomes may breed success, dissatisfaction, ambivalence or further renegotiation.

Below is a synopsis of some of our results and strategic outcomes that we proudly believe gave benefit to our clients; the client identities are removed and the transactions are generalized except where the outcome was reported in decisions of courts or publications.

While these may have been notable from the complexity of the controversy, we have helped in many important matters for individuals, their families and businesses in contract, employment, trade secrets and real estate and construction matters.  For our various pro bono cases we have had the good fortune of helping immigrants settle their personal injury matters when coming to the U.S., and helping people who could not afford lawyers find satisfaction for their urgent and life changing issues in small claims court, Municipal court, Common Pleas courts, and through administrative adjudications or the avoidance of lawsuits via settling for certain outcomes to the parties' mutual benefit. 


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Zacks Law LLC is committed to providing legal information and answering your legal questions after we establish an attorney-client relationship.

We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
